An automated .PNG just sold for $138K!
A Crypto Punk just sold for $138K on the 30th of December, what just happened?!
CryptoPunks are the first NFTs, the OG of NFTs in the scene and they are rated from their attributes — read more about what the hell a Crypto Punk is here!
They were created by Larva Labs and they are 24x24 pixel art images generated algorithmically with rare types such as Apes, Zombies & Aliens. They are all assigned certain attributes and only 10,000 will ever exist. Over the last year, the total value of punks that were sold adds up to 16,589 ETH ( over $12,114,000+ )
The average sale price of a punk over the last year is 4.18 ETH ( $3,051.27 USD ) and you can bid on them through the larvalabs website or purchase through third party’ such as Rarible — wrapped punks. They were originally claimed for free by anybody with an ethereum wallet.
This is Punk #3307 which just sold for 189.99 ETH ( $138K+ ) — this is a 0 attribute punk and only 8 ever available, a theory that 2 were forever lost in an ethereum wallet as no movement in 3 years, making it 6.
This punk was claimed for free in June 2017 and sold for 10 ETH in May 2019, it was then sold for 20 ETH in December & bids have been declined for months until the owner set a price for 189.99 ETH in November 23rd. It then sold today, 30th of December 2020 for that price to an unregistered address… for $138K!